Sorry I haven't blogged for awhile.... I have been a scrapbooking fool! I moved my scrapbooking table out of the computer room and into the family room where the tv is. Then, since my husband is out of town, I scrapped most nights until pretty late. I'm pretty happy with all the progress I made. I finished scrapping the Christmas Holiday and the building of the cabin book. It was so fun scrapping all those picture - the cabin is such a blessing and a dream come true for us. When I put it in the book I relive the great feelings of creating the cabin and then sharing it with the people we love. I put a few pictures in up above. The first picture is the cabin from the top of the driveway. Alot of snow, huh? The second picture is my kids and their cousins taking a dorito break up sledding. The third picture is my son Marshall and three of his boy cousins building a snow fight fort behind the cabin so they could attack the girls. The cute little guy on the far right is my newest nephew Vu who was recently adopted from Vietnam - what a blessing he is to our whole family. They all are.
I also did an album covering my many 40th birthday party celebrations and trips last year. Then I caught up on the family album and Anne's album. Now I am going to put all that stuff away (except for when I meet with my scrapping group every Tuesday) and focus on a few other things.
First, I am going to make a few dresses to help out my baby sister with her quest to sew 100 dresses for the Ethiopian orphanage. Then I am going to get my house looking decent because my parents and in-laws are coming in 2 weeks. Then I am going to shop and pack for our Spring Break cruise. In between all that I am going to try and get ahead in my Texas Politics class.
I signed up for this on-line community college class thinking it would be super easy. Let me just say that college is like childbirth..... you really do forget just how painful it can be! It is time consuming and not as easy as I thought it would be. When I told one of my housewife friends that I was going back to college she said "you realize your going to have to, like, STUDY and stuff don't you? Why do that?" I guess I knew I would have to STUDY and stuff - I just didn't realize how much more difficult that was when you are raising kids and running a household. Last time I went to school my meals were cooked for me in the sorority. My only responsibility in the world was school. Boy howdy, it sure gives me alot of respect for people that get their degree later in life!!
The other thing about school is just how expensive it is. The class at the community college was a few hundred. The real shocker, though, was the book. It is a 1/2 paperback book and it was $95.00. That is crazy!
Gotta run.....
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